Our Top-Rated UW-Madison Resources
Regardless of where you choose to live – at home with your family, in an apartment, in a UW dorm, or Dorm@Lucky – if you’re a UW student, you’ll have access to all the UW offers. And they offer a lot! We can’t list everything here, but below are the services and information we think you’ll use most.
Here is our list of Top Rated UW-Madison Resources!
- Campus Events Calendar: https://today.wisc.edu/
- Wisconsin Union Events Calendar: https://union.wisc.edu/events-and-activities/event-calendar/
UW Madison Center for First Year Experience:
Welcome Week:
- Website: https://parent.wisc.edu/news/wisconsin-welcome-events/
- App: https://guidebook.com/g/#/guides/wisconsin-welcome-2022
Center for Leadership and Involvement (CfLI):
- CfLI assists students in intentionally connecting with the far ranging opportunities that exist throughout campus, including student organizations. As a Center we offer leadership programming that supports students in making meaning of these experiences and in developing leadership capacity – the ability to affect positive change. https://cfli.wisc.edu/attending-the-student-organization-fair/
Greater University Tutoring Services (GUTS):
- GUTS is a student-led Registered Student Organization (RSO), and division of the Office of Undergraduate Advising , with the goal of supporting other students’ learning by offering free tutoring and mentoring to hundreds of students and university affiliates each semester. From academic tutoring in specific classes to conversational language practice and general studying tips and techniques, GUTS has a program to help you! https://guts.wisc.edu/
UW Madison Recreation and Wellness:
- Wellness classes and lots of recreational activities, tennis, ice skating and more! Discover what UW-Madison offers for recreational activities and wellness. https://recwell.wisc.edu/
- Nicolas Recreation Center: It’s home to 30,000 square feet of fitness space, 8 courts, 5 studios, a 50-meter pool and diving well, and more. Intermural sports, personal fitness, massage therapy, self defense, swimming and more! https://recwell.wisc.edu/locations/nick/
- Hoofers: The premier outdoors club at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. https://www.hoofers.org/
Multi-Cultural Student Center:
The Multicultural Student Center seeks to collaboratively strengthen and sustain an inclusive campus where all students, particularly students of color and other historically underserved students, can realize an authentic Wisconsin Experience. The Center offers cultural programming, an internship program, support for student organizations, and more. https://msc.wisc.edu/
UW-Madison Diversity and Inclusion:
Gender and Sexuality Campus Center:
- The Gender and Sexuality Campus Center: Supporting LGBTQ+ students and their communities is a unit of UW-Madison Student Affairs. https://lgbt.wisc.edu/
UW Madison Police Department:
UW Madison Police Department Stay Safe Resources:
- On this site, you will find ample resources and information about how to stay safe on campus, in the surrounding community, and in real world situations. UWPD also offers many services including training volunteers, speaker/presentation requests and more. https://uwpd.wisc.edu/staying-safe/
Safe Walk:
- SAFEwalk staff can make presentations about safe campus travel. SAFEwalkers can accompany you throughout campus and to/from near-campus locations! (Service boundaries do not include far west campus, such as UW Hospital and Eagle Heights.) SAFEwalk is a free walking companionship service available to all students, faculty, staff, and UW visitors. https://transportation.wisc.edu/safewalk/
Lightwalk and SAFEwalk Nighttime Map:
University Health Services :
- University Health Services offers wellness programs in an individual or group setting to support a student’s pursuit of health mind, body, and spirit. Browse our programs below and find your happy place. Personal wellness programs include: healthy living consultation, nutritional counseling, meditation training, mindfulness training, authentic happiness and positive psychology programs, exercise consultation, yoga, massage, stress management, sleep management, headache treatment, and smoking cessation. https://www.uhs.wisc.edu/wellness/
Office of Academic Advising:
- The Office of Academic Advising provides centralized coordination and resources for key functions for cross-campus undergraduate advising and career services at UW-Madison, including training, technology, assessment, community-building, policy, and communication. Advisors help students explore their passions, and connect their interests to experiences that will give them the skills and education they need to achieve their goals and make a positive impact on their communities, and the world. https://advising.wisc.edu/
DARS report:
- DARS is a tool undergraduate students are expected to use to audit the progress they are making towards their undergraduate degree programs and certificates. A DARS report shows all the requirements for completing a degree. For help in reading and interpreting a DARS report as it pertains to specific major and degree requirements, students should work with their assigned academic advisor. https://kb.wisc.edu/ls/page.php?id=21634